Dienstag, 20. September 2011

Citrounille book review

There's a nice book review about my "Penouin glacé" in the latest issue of Citrounelle, a French book review magazine. Click on the image to enlarge!

Mittwoch, 14. September 2011

Salon du Livre Nancy

Thank you for a wonderful weekend!!! I had the pleasure of being seated next to Sandra Poirot Cherif and Julia Chausson, who I admire greatly!!! Here are two of their works:

Thanks to L'Autre Rive bookstore for inviting me!

Special thanks to my cousin Maryam, who drove me all the way and helped with the translation of numerous interviews done by school kids. :-)

Samstag, 3. September 2011

Die Ausstellung am 22. September in Oberhausen lädt ein zu einem Ausflug in die Bilderwelten der Kölner Kinderbuchillustratorinnen Constanze von Kitzing und Andrea Steffen.

Bettina Herre, freie Lektorin, spricht zur Einstimmung über die Entstehung eines Kinderbuchs.

Weitere Infos auf Facebook!!!